I came across the purpose of a certain blog sometime ago: Your daily source of signal in a world full of noise.
How true! It is most easy to be distracted by the many things that is thrown your way as you try to navigate this life. Distractions from workplaces, schools, the streets, our homes and even the church.
We live in an era where everyone is talking. and everything seems to catch your attention.Day in day out people share their opinions on different matters and by virtue of technology we come across stuff we probably did not even go searching for.
When you have so many things being thrown your way, one of the things you may easily do is to lose focus. Some times you may not necessarily lose focus but you may give priority to things that do not matter,to the detriment of those things that do.
You may so admire that business your friend is involved in or the platform another has , and in trying to adopt certain things from them end up practically becoming a clone of that person and thus forgetting Your original assignment you set out to accomplish.
Other times life becomes so 'easy' we forget to give credit to the giver of life without whom we would not even be here.
When people begin to progress, they tend to forget where they are coming from and who directed them or even held their hands to get there.
Some people typically remember others only as and when they are 'useful' to them and they carry this same attitude to their God.
There was a time when you prayed hours to get a job, a scholarship, a husband, a contract. In the midst of living the blessing which was once but a prayer, we totally forget the source of that blessing.
Today I want to remind you to take a deep breath wherever you are,be still and let yourself remember some people who have been a source of major blessing to you. Someone who offered a smile when everything seemed bleak, someone who bothered to stop and check on you, someone who offered you a snack, and go check on them. You would be surprised what they are probably going through and how grateful they will be to hear from you.
But before that remember to Go back to your original source, God, and be grateful that He brought you here and still keeps you.
How true! It is most easy to be distracted by the many things that is thrown your way as you try to navigate this life. Distractions from workplaces, schools, the streets, our homes and even the church.
We live in an era where everyone is talking. and everything seems to catch your attention.Day in day out people share their opinions on different matters and by virtue of technology we come across stuff we probably did not even go searching for.
When you have so many things being thrown your way, one of the things you may easily do is to lose focus. Some times you may not necessarily lose focus but you may give priority to things that do not matter,to the detriment of those things that do.
You may so admire that business your friend is involved in or the platform another has , and in trying to adopt certain things from them end up practically becoming a clone of that person and thus forgetting Your original assignment you set out to accomplish.
Other times life becomes so 'easy' we forget to give credit to the giver of life without whom we would not even be here.
When people begin to progress, they tend to forget where they are coming from and who directed them or even held their hands to get there.
Some people typically remember others only as and when they are 'useful' to them and they carry this same attitude to their God.
There was a time when you prayed hours to get a job, a scholarship, a husband, a contract. In the midst of living the blessing which was once but a prayer, we totally forget the source of that blessing.
Today I want to remind you to take a deep breath wherever you are,be still and let yourself remember some people who have been a source of major blessing to you. Someone who offered a smile when everything seemed bleak, someone who bothered to stop and check on you, someone who offered you a snack, and go check on them. You would be surprised what they are probably going through and how grateful they will be to hear from you.
But before that remember to Go back to your original source, God, and be grateful that He brought you here and still keeps you.
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