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Close Enough

I do not remember what exactly it was that got me feeling rather down, but one evening, i went to bed very early,  really unhappy.I was awoken by loud knocks from my uncle very early in the morning, to tell me about a dream. At first i was like 'oh so this man could not wait just a few more hours before?', but when he told me the dream, i was shocked. It related so much much to the mood of yesternight and i knew God had virtually sent me a direct message through him.

There is also this one time where something i was looking forward to very much did not work out. I logged on to my Facebook and the first post i saw was from my friend talking about 'not giving up because God was still on your case'. So timely.

These are personal examples, and now let me give you  two biblical ones. Elijah, once upon a time was so depressed he got into suicide mode. And he told God he wanted to die. God heard him and granted his request. Not until after correcting some errors Elijah had believed first though!

Another fascinating account of just how close God is and how swiftly He answers is the story of King Hezekiah. When the prophet of God told him to get his house in order because he was going to die, He turned his face to the wall and told God to know there was no King who worshipped Him as he did. Bible says the prophet had not even reached the compound, and according to some school of thought, that was like just one minute later when God told him to go back and tell the king he had changed his mind.

You see in all cases, God heard and did exactly what both wanted. One wanted to die, the other did not want to.

What is on your mind lately? What have you been thinking and saying lightly because you felt there was no way God would really know about it.

God is more closer than you think. Bible says, the eyes of God are constantly on the earth, watching out. He misses not a thing, and definitely never misses you.
Do not believe the wicked lies the devil tries to feed your soul.
For God has not given us the spirit of fear unto death, but of love, power and a sound mind.

 God is closer than you could imagine.So don't believe that you are alone with no hope and nothing better for you. Now why don't you really tell Him what has been on your mind..


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