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Out of the strong..

That morning he spoke about the king that wanted to kill Mary's child, so ordered for a census, compelling the couple to change their schedule, subsequently forcing the lady to give birth at a place where they (the couple), had not intended. What they didn't know and what the king had not intended to do, was to get them at the exact place destined for her to birth her baby.

He said it in his usual fascinating way that I kept laughing listening to him, enjoying it. I didn't know that very day I would be tested.

When I got to the office, the manager said there was to be a reassignment of offices but he may keep me where i was. I told him i was familiar with that place and I wanted to keep being there. Everyone told him to let me stay. He agreed and said Ofcourse.

Mid afternoon he brought a notice. I had been moved. I was annoyed, felt betrayed: you told me you won't change me! Every one told him he didn't do well. He started feeling guilty and said he would reassign me. Good!

Then i remembered the message: they thought they were putting the couple in a position of discomfort but they were actually going where they had to be.

I ran to his office and begged him not to change me. Everyone was surprised, we thought you wanted this. I had changed my mind.

The new office was the best place I could have been, i daresay. Till date i talk about my schedules and laugh at the look of sheer envy that crosses the faces of some people I mention it to.

So don't worry when it seems people are going out of their way to put you in an uncomfortable position. Out of the eater can come something to eat,and out of the strong can sweet things come from.

God has you. Trust


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