The story is told of a great man of God who asked God who He God believed was the most important in his church. Somehow in his heart he felt there was no way any person would be more important or valuable to God in his church than himself. That evening God showed him a vision, where there were three crowns set out,all of different sizes. In the vision, God gave the middle sized crown to his assistant pastor,and proceeded to hand over the smallest crown to him. He was very surprised and wondered who would be the receiver of the largest crown.As he watched, the crown was handed over to an old lady who was a regular at church. When he woke up,he was worried, as to why God didn't even give him the middle sized crown and went to the church to pray. On reaching there,he asked the security man to give him the keys so he could open the door and go pray as dawn had not yet even broken out. He was surprised when the security man told him someone was already in there ; and added that ...
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