Have you found yourself doing something that you knew wasn't really 'right' or even downright wrong but you loved it so much that you damn all consequences and just live in the moment? Or when you really feel guilty about doing something but you refuse to even ask for forgiveness about it because you know even before you say Amen that you will do the exact same thing again as soon as you get the opportunity to? I don't know about you but I have. There are some things that honestly I have attempted 'negotiating' with God to give me a pass on, while I gather strength to overcome lol. You may pass your own judgment on this and say 'then you are not really sorry or you don't want to let go enough'. Ok, Most Strongest, when I grow up I want to be like you and be able to easily let go of things that i need to without even a little struggle. But you see the truth is that it is not entirely surprising that people have a certain response to situations that ...
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