Recently a friend told me how he has sworn never to give advise to adults with kids until he had one, because his last attempt at trying to calm a mother who was furiously lashing her baby had earned him a quick 'please give birth to your own and raise her how you want'. I overheard a while back a lady throwing words at her younger brother, when the adults around asked her to speak with a bit of respect, her words were 'I have paid his fees before, I can talk how I wish' This is life, where people don't regard others as being positioned in a place 'good' enough to render their opinions. The bible has this passage where it says there was in a city a poor man whose counsel saved it but yet nobody remembered him. Why am I telling you this? You may have heard such words even when you were just really acting from a good place and felt crushed as my friend did. Its sad and can make you feel unaccomplished but don't be too hard on yourself,one day the value ...
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