I found this message from January 2014 that I believe would bless you so much.Here we go: Did you realize that it was really Moses' mother who decided her son was just too beautiful to be allowed to be killed? She placed him in a basket and hid herself. She later ends up being paid to care for her own son! Totally cool right? Long story short, Moses becomes the son of Pharoahs daughter. Not a slave, servant but son. Note that he was referred to as a Hebrew boy by Pharoahs daughter when she first saw him. Now, Moses grows up and encounters a burning bush and looks to see what exactly is going on. God, realizing he had Moses' attention spoke, meaning had he not gotten his attention, He wouldn't have. God sends unusual sights and happenings into our lives and we should know that at times it is to get our attention.( make a quick check right now) He introduces Himself as ' I am that I am ' and tells him the cries of the Israelites have reached Him. Yes , God is al...
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