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Showing posts from July, 2016

the why factor

​We are blessed to have the beautiful Dr E writing to fill us with hope. Do enjoy. A couple of months ago I  read a story about the Israelites in 1Samuel 8:1-21.(Please take the time to read this.)  They wanted a king. End of story.What God had to say through Samuel didn't matter.They didn't care one skerrick  that a king would make them slaves and cause them a lot of grief.Here's exactly what they told God: we're mature enough to handle our issues. We want to be like the nations around us.  We want a tangible king.Someone we can see. Just give us a king!  As I  read further  on verses 4-20 it explained  that  their desire for a king wasn't the problem but the motive behind their desire for a king. .which was to be like the nations around them. These people were the apple of God's eye..His heartbeat.A people He brought up out of Egypt..parted the Red Sea to allow  them  waltz through while their adversaries were hot...

hope's revolt

Sometimes,no most times our hearts are bruised by those we look up to for comfort. We find the hands we stretched ours to for support as the ones behind the knife that pierces us deep in our hearts. The shock of betrayal almost numbs the pain that stings us. It is in this moment that we lift our eyes up,to the light that shineth from above:remembering that there is no night in zion.Believing that it gets darkest before the dawn.